Shakespeare in Love

Ok, I’ll admit it, it was pretty good. But “picture of the year”? it wasn’t THAT good. I did like how the whole plot was constructed though, how it was all kind of a mirror of the Romeo and Juliet story. I liked the non-hollywood ending too.

By the way, count me in the camp who thinks someone else likely wrote the bulk of Shakespeare’s plays. Most likely Edward de Vere. It’s possible that Shakespeare did some serious editing and adding though; more so to some plays than others. I like the idea of an everyman Poet, but the evidence to the contrary is just too strong to ignore.

The Roya Tenenbaums

Fun movie about a family of characters. Every character in this movie has some serious “issues”… but they’re all so wacky one just has to laugh. Something about this movie reminds me of how sometimes when you fly from Cleveland to Chicago, you have to go through Atlanta – Is that funny or sad?


Jefferson in Paris

An OK movie, but a terrible portrayal of Jefferson.  He deserves a lot better.  We do now know that Jefferson was indeed boofing Sally Hemmings to the tune of at least a few kids (or do we?  It could have easily been his brother or cousin, etc.).  He was a complicated guy.  I have to wonder though, would it be better to be the master’s mistress or just another random slave?  (of course it’d probably be better to be free, but that option didn’t arise).  Anyway, I hope that somebody makes a real good movie about Jefferson’s life, and maybe his relationship with John Adams.  I hope it’s just a matter of time.