Cape Fear

I had a hard time sympathizing with any of the characters in this movie, but it was entertaining. The only thing that bugged me were the couple “YOU IDIOT!!!” moments, like when the lawyer slips on the blood of his friend. Come on! Also, where exactly was the housboat “adrift” at the end? in the ocean? on a raging river? I couldn’t tell, but it just didn’t look natural.

U Turn

I wasn’t expecting much from this movie. I thought it would be “Oliver Stone does Pulp Fiction”, and it was… but it was done well. Sure, all the characters were wacky, full of hidden secrets, and somehow linked to each other. Sure, some pretty unbelievable things happened. Sure, there were enough double-crosses and plot twists to scramble your brain. But in the end, it all came together. It all sort of made sense, and everybody got what they deserved (well, almost everybody). It was definitely an Oliver Stone movie… (I loved the twister scene near the end – YUK!) Anyway, this movie was entertaining – not awesome, but pretty good.

The Thin Red Line

What really bothered me about this movie were all the good reviews it got. This was an extremely boring movie. I think I know why it got good reviews though, all these ridiculous movie critics care more about the emotional side of war than the actual fighting of it. Yes, war is tough, it brings out some crazy emotions in people, but that’s not all it does. Every single person in this movie had some major character “hang-up” which caused them to be dysfunctional. It was so overblown it was ridiculous. On top of that, the pace of this movie would make a snail bored. How many times do they have to flashback to some farm field in Iowa? It takes forever for anyone to say anything or do anything in this movie. The only redeeming quality of this film was the cinematography. It did look good. (and the pace did pick up a bit toward the end)


Jefferson in Paris

An OK movie, but a terrible portrayal of Jefferson.  He deserves a lot better.  We do now know that Jefferson was indeed boofing Sally Hemmings to the tune of at least a few kids (or do we?  It could have easily been his brother or cousin, etc.).  He was a complicated guy.  I have to wonder though, would it be better to be the master’s mistress or just another random slave?  (of course it’d probably be better to be free, but that option didn’t arise).  Anyway, I hope that somebody makes a real good movie about Jefferson’s life, and maybe his relationship with John Adams.  I hope it’s just a matter of time.