
This movie really really sucked.  I wish I could find a more colorful adjective, but this movie doesn’t deserve one.  It wasn’t even really a movie either… more like a 2 hour Aerosmith video.  (I think Aerosmith sucks too, so it’s no small wonder that I didn’t like this movie.)  There was not one camera shot in this movie which lasted more than 5 seconds!  Don’t believe me?  Try to find one.  The editor of this movie must have been on crack, cocaine, crystal meth and coffee all at once!  I just about got a headache watching it.  On top of the frenzied editing, the story and the characters were just plain unbelievably dumb.  I don’t know how this movie did better than Deep Impact.  Oh… wait… money, special effects, explosions, big names, hot chicks, hunky guys, stupid one-liner jokes, a zillion-dollar marketing blitz, and a thorough understanding of the stupidity and gullibility of the average American. The science of this movie didn’t come close to passing my “suspension of disbelief” filter either, but I won’t even get into that.

A Simple Plan

Nothing’s ever that simple. Billy Bob Thorton does a great “dimwit”. I loved the “what do I get?” scene. I didn’t understand why the main character didn’t just move to a better, bigger town though. He could probably get a pretty decent job somewhere and do just fine. It’s not like he didn’t want to move in the first place, that was even part of his “simple” plan.


Monster’s Ball

A charming love story, where obstacles to romance get killed off one by one… which I thought was far “too easy”. It would have been a much more challenging movie if nobody had died & the romance still happened. I did like the way that the movie left a lot of the dialogue unspoken – you had to pay attention to the subtleties of the acting to understand what the characters were thinking. Worth a view…



This movie is about a bunch of dope growers in northern California. Their boss gets killed, they don’t know who did it, and they decide to sell the crop… but they don’t really know what they’re doing. It’s a pretty funny movie – it doesn’t have much of the ‘whooo I’m so stoned’ type of humor, it’s sort of a dark comedy about a bunch of people in way over their heads. This theme has been done before, but this movie takes a somewhat fresh approach. I never had the feeling that I’d seen it all before, the acting, characters, and writing were all good, and I liked the ending & the way the plot wrapped itself up. I was surprised by all the big names in it: Ted Danson, John Lithgow, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kelly Lynch, Billy Bob Thornton…