
This movie really really sucked.  I wish I could find a more colorful adjective, but this movie doesn’t deserve one.  It wasn’t even really a movie either… more like a 2 hour Aerosmith video.  (I think Aerosmith sucks too, so it’s no small wonder that I didn’t like this movie.)  There was not one camera shot in this movie which lasted more than 5 seconds!  Don’t believe me?  Try to find one.  The editor of this movie must have been on crack, cocaine, crystal meth and coffee all at once!  I just about got a headache watching it.  On top of the frenzied editing, the story and the characters were just plain unbelievably dumb.  I don’t know how this movie did better than Deep Impact.  Oh… wait… money, special effects, explosions, big names, hot chicks, hunky guys, stupid one-liner jokes, a zillion-dollar marketing blitz, and a thorough understanding of the stupidity and gullibility of the average American. The science of this movie didn’t come close to passing my “suspension of disbelief” filter either, but I won’t even get into that.