Resplendent Quetzal

Resplendent Quetzal

Resplendent Quetzal

February 2013 – Central highlands of Costa Rica

And there it was… a bird that seems more myth than reality. The male’s tail feathers can grow to about 2 feet, but this one had recently molted. You can just see a glimpse of his scarlet red chest. These aren’t particularly active birds… they spend a lot of time sitting still – perched on branches in the mid-to-high canopy








Resplendent Quetzal

Resplendent Quetzal

The female is a bit more drab, but still quite a sight to see…

Black-throated Trogon

Black-throated Trogon

Black-throated Trogon

February 2013 – Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

I have to thank Dennis, the driver of our car, for hearing this Black-throated Trogon calling softly as we drove underneath. He got out and spotted the bird pretty quickly… and a female nearby too. Pretty amazing experience, even if it was only brief.






Black-throated Trogon - Female

Black-throated Trogon – Female