White Pelican

White Pelican

White Pelican

May 2012 – Tule Lake, California

This pelican seemed particularly at peace with itself in the early morning at Tule Lake. I sometimes wonder if these birds appreciate the beauty and serenity that surrounds them at moments like this.






White Pelicans

White Pelicans

May 2012 – Sauvie Island, Oregon

A flock of White Pelicans circled above me on this morning. These birds were likely passing through on migration. They do breed much further east along the Columbia River in eastern Oregon & Washington.

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

November 2009 – Bandon, Oregon

For some reason, in 2009 thousands of Brown Pelicans congregated on the southern Oregon coast. Most likely, whatever food they were eating was plentiful in the area. Usually, these large populations are much further south into California. This solitary bird was taking a rest on Bandon beach.








Brown Pelican

Brown Pelican

I snapped this portrait as a Brown Pelican was flying by… I was somewhat surprised at how sharp I managed to get this.