The Grand Budapest Hotel

grand-budapest-hotelWith movies like this, I almost don’t care what happens. It’s just a joy to watch each scene unfold. It’s probably been 2 years since I watched this, but I can still see that model climbing the mountain. I can still see Gustav (Ralph Fiennes) sitting on that train, thinking. I can still see the hallways… the carpeting… just the feel of the place. Sure, the plot didn’t make a whole lot of sense, but that was exactly the secret sauce.


When I was in 6th grade, our music teacher made us do a short report on Mozart.  None of us had any clue who the guy was… and we didn’t really care.  She was notably frustrated with us.  Too bad this movie wasn’t out, we could have just watched it instead, we’d probably have gotten a lot more out of it.  Sure, the movie isn’t 100% historically accurate, but I think it captures the spirit of Mozart and his music very well.  My favorite 10 seconds was the scene where Mozart is first introduced, he’s messing around with his girl and his music starts playing without him.  He immediately becomes serious – transported to another state of mind.

Finding Forrester

And you thought the writing on this web site was good? Forrester is an old man who wrote one amazing book when he was young & later became a recluse. He magically meets up with a young writer-prodigy from “the hood”, and they help eachother. In the end everybody is happy, blah blah blah. It’s funny that if one makes a movie about a good writer, one needs to have good writing in it. During the parts where someone is reading aloud, the music drowns out the dialog… I guess the writers of this movie weren’t up to the task. If you liked Good Will Hunting, you’d like this movie… then again, you won’t really need to see it.