Taken 2

taken-2I watched this in the middle of night on a rambling bus heading north on the Philippine island of Luzon. Headlights from the oncoming traffic illuminated the shapes of my fellow passengers in a stroboscopic effect. The Air Con blasted my forehead relentlessly – I was unable to control it. So, I rested my head on my pack and stared down the narrow center pathway, where Taken 2 was playing an on a tiny, blurry CRT screen, with barely readable subtitles. The movie was more unbearable than the bus ride.


takenMaybe it’s just me, but I just can’t take Liam Neeson seriously as an action hero. I suppose the movie was entertaining for all the usual reasons, but as it went on, it was just too ridiculous to take very seriously. It relied on incredible coincidences that just had me rolling my eyes, saying “come on!” rather than enjoying the movie.

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

Ok,I actually liked this movie. It was entertaining, fun, and visually spectacular. It did a good job of transporting me to “another place”. The jar-jar binks character didn’t even really bother me too much (although I think it would have been a much better movie without him, or if he was done differently). As my friend said, the pod race and the light-saber fight at the end were worth the admission price all on their own. I think people are generally wanting too much from these movies – comparing them to the first couple. That’s not really fair… they need to stand on their own. (I still can’t believe that I got into an argument with someone who sincerely believed that Darth Vader was NOT Luke’s father, Annakin. He went away thinking I was an idiot… all I could do was shake my head… what is WRONG with people?)


Rob Roy

I like movies like this – they’re set in a period, but don’t try to be “epics” or something – just little slices of life. This movie is worth seeing just for the quotes from the Cunnigham character: “Love is a dung hill and I am but a cock that climbs atop it to crow”, etc.