
Splendidly stupid.  You’ve probably heard the story… a couple of losers invent a game that combines basketball with baseball and it becomes a phenomenon.  This movie was a little better than I thought it’d be.  The plot wasn’t too great, and some of the scenes were stupid, but there was enough silliness to make up for that.  Plus, the two main characters (who created ‘South Park’ in real life) had a lot of good chemistry.  It was interesting comparing this movie to Mafia!.  Abrams and Zucker made a series of silly movies (Airplane, Top Secret, etc).  Abrams did Mafia and it sucked.  Zucker did baseketball and it was decent.  I think the best thing about this movie was how it never took itself seriously… just when it would start to get “serious”, the whole sub-plot would turn out to be another setup for a big joke (like the child labor subplot).  I like movies that poke fun at seriousness… what else can I say?

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