Lost in Space

This movie was given such horrible reviews that I felt kind of embarrassed even renting it. It really wasn’t that bad though. Sure, the whole ‘time travel’ thing made almost no sense, the writing wasn’t special, the acting wasn’t super, and some of the special effects were marginal, but these are all things which made the original TV show so great! (except the writing in the original was better). Lost in Space (the TV show) was on at 10-11AM every morning in the summer when I was a kid. I think I saw every episode twice. Back in the late 70s/early 80s, there simply weren’t any sci-fi shows. Lost in Space had to do. I thought this movie had enough ‘new stuff’ to make it viable, while still being true to the original. They even managed to make Dr. Smith a somewhat respectable character (still very evil, but at least not pathetic). I think my favorite line in the movie was Dr. Smith saying “the pain”, his catch phrase from the original show. Ah, the memories. (on it’s own though, this was a pretty dumb movie)


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