
I just re-watched this in 2012 (of all movies, which this one? I don’t know), and just wanted to update my review. Man was this cheesy. I feel kind of like I got ripped-off in my fantasy childhood movies. I mean, compare this with the Lord of the Rings trilogy… Ha! Perhaps the funniest thing was how the hero was dressed in tights the whole way through. It’s almost like hollywood simply hadn’t figured out how to do fantasy movies back then. The technology wasn’t there, and nerds hadn’t yet inserted themselves into powerful positions in hollywood. Anyway, despite all that, it does have its moments.

A fantasy epic with a somewhat original story. Sure the “theme” has been done many times: villian captures princess, holds land hostage until she marries him. But, the bits and pieces that made up the movie were mostly unique – like how the evil castle changed location every day or so. This movie probably works best with a young audience. That’s when I first saw it, so I only have fond memories.


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