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White Tank Mountains

April 2006: A hike up Mesquite Canyon

Desert Trail
The White Tank Mountains rise above the western horizon of the Phoenix metropolitan area. A network of trails winds through the rolling canyons and hills. Here the trail heads along the side of a hill in the early morning.
It's been an especially dry winter/spring this year - the plantlife has just a touch of a green hue. Only a few small puddles in the bottom of some canyons remained from a rainstorm a few weeks ago.
Some of the rocks are quite colorful however.
Echoes of Population
The high ridgeline behind Ford Canyon sports a hairpiece of radio relays. They offer a hint of the multitudes of people living not far away.
Above Millions
The Phoenix area has grown to fill just about the entire valley seen here in the haze to the southeast. For now, a tenuous balance is kept between the harshness of the desert, and the comfort required by modern life. Hopefully, that balance doesn't tip.

Where is it?

The White Tank Mountains are located west of Phoenix, AZ. Currently, they're at the edge of the sprawl, but based on all the signs for "new homes" being built in the area, it won't be long before they're surrounded. The park entrance is at the end of Olive Street.

Before you go...
This is a regional park - there is a $5 entrance fee. The park opens at 6am (at least when I was there) and there is no overnight camping.

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